EP. 8 Being one of the first female engineers at Google taught Ning to think big. Now she wants your help protecting democracy.

Laurie McGraw is speaking with Inspiring Woman Ning Mosberger-Tang, an activist and community organizer. Ning has a background in computer science and has worked for a number of years in the tech industry, including a few years as a technical lead in Google during its early years. Since 2006, she has focused on conservation and […]
EP. 7 Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth… How this rising star dusted off and regrouped after a pandemic forced her to change course.

Laurie McGraw is speaking with Inspiring Woman Amy Boerger who is learning the ropes of sales having started off in communications. Amy is a 2014 SUNY Oswego graduate, earning her degree in Communication and Social Interaction. Following graduation, Amy moved to Boston to pursue a career in sales and currently works as an Inside Account […]