EP. 94 Improving maternal mortality. Start with empowering greatness.

  Laurie McGraw is speaking with Inspiring Woman Shafia Monroe, a champion of change who has spent her entire professional life focused on creating awareness of the disparities with maternal and infant mortality and creating solutions to solve for them.  While she is known today as the queen mother of doulas and midwives, her beginning came from a […]

EP. 93 Changing the status quo means required and measured change, says Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford “As a black woman, I don’t turn off my blackness…”

Laurie McGraw is speaking with Inspiring Woman Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford.  Speaking with Dr. Stanford is a lesson in humility.  If you don’t have nine degrees to your name, do ~150 lectures per year, actively mentor >50 students, conduct research in both a genetic and epigenetic fashion while simultaneously caring for patients ages 2 – 90 years old […]