Episode #1: Healthcare, Hoops, and History with Dr. Cheryl Pegus

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Dr. Cheryl Pegus is a nationally acclaimed leader across the healthcare industry, from being the first medical chief officer at Walgreens, the first female black president of the American Heart Association founder’s affiliate, and so much more. In this inaugural episode, Dr. Pegus discusses some of the tools for success for women looking to start a business or in major leadership roles. One of the nation’s most influential healthcare leaders and clinical executives, Dr. Pegus provides insights on the past, present, and future of female leadership in healthcare.

Key Takeaways

  • Break Throughs and the Importance of Caitlin Clark:  Dr. Pegus lays the groundwork for why change is hard and takes a lot longer than you might like, But then, there are breakthrough moments, like Caitlin Clark and women’s basketball.  Dr. Pegus outlines the importance of understanding the economic environment you are in and what you need to bring to the table for a negotiation. She also highlights how change happens  – which is not all at once. A breakthrough moment is just the start.
  • Women in Healthcare:  Dr. Pegus sets the landscape for women in healthcare – women as the people who make 80% of the healthcare decisions for themselves and their families.  Within the $4T+ industry of healthcare, women make up 70% of the workforce; more than 50% of incoming physician residents are women (etc from the pod).  Yet when it comes to leadership positions across industries, women occupy a mere 10% of C suite positions across the Fortune 500.
  • Key Leadership Skills that Cheryl Lives By:
    • Assume Positive Intent
    • Deliver Bad News Early
    • Probe and Listen to the Responses of Your Team
    • If you didn’t measure it, you didn’t do it
    • Appreciate effort, but reward results
  • Success is a Team Sport: Having a support network and motivated people around you in a professional setting will help you achieve your goals. Ensure your network is composed of people you trust and work well in a professional setting with, to bring stability to your leadership and help you achieve your business goals. Making sure your team is efficient and fosters strong relationships are both integral to your success.
  • Get a Mentor to Gain Support and Help Pave Your Path to Success: Having someone in your corner who has previous experience in entrepreneurship can guide your decisions and offer support during challenging times. A mentor can help you foster relationships in your industry, and has insight that can only be acquired through time.

Supporting Resources

  1. Dr. Pegus’ TEDMED Talk, Cheryl Pegus, 2011
  2. On the History of Women in Healthcare, Francine H, Nichols, 2000
  3. Future of Healthcare Industries, Neha Patel and Shubahm Singhal, 2024
  4. Economic Impact of Caitlin Clark, Santul Nerkar, 2024
  5. Tips for Asking for Feedback as a Female Entrepreneur, Shanna Hocking, 2021
  6. How to Get and Give Feedback, Megan Matt, 2016
  7. How to Find and Grow From a Mentor as an Entrepreneur, Forbes Expert Panel, 2023
  8. Benefits of Having a Mentor, Jared Hecht, 2018

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